Sep 12, 2013

Thursday's Distractions

The vinyl album came out of its sleeve
Carefully he placed it on the turn table
Lowered the stylist onto his favorite track
George Carlin’s voice filled my ears
Cadence of his delivery
Style of his writing
Perspective so unique and playful
Opened the window to my soul
Through which I climbed
From which I never looked back
Crossing through that threshold
Rare air
Invigorating like the atmosphere
After a storm
Developing my own style
Seeking an outlet
To create my version of what he was
Became my ambition
Occupied my day dreams

Making the opportunity
The room was full of strangers
The house lights dimmed
The lights, focused on the stage
Intro music fell silent
Host introduced me
A seventeen year journey
To walk down an isle
Up two steps
My back to a brick wall
My eyes in the lights
Peace, calm and a sense of belonging
I knew the laughs would come
My hands pulled the microphone from the stand
Set it aside as if I’d done it for years
And began a journey
That lead to a thirteen year career
Writing and performing a rhythmic patter
Followed by laughter so sweet
A relationship with strangers
They gelled into a personality of one
And we fed off each other for an evening
That’s the way a career should be
Every child should live their dream
Feel that happiness, that fulfillment
Knowing that what they felt was right
Understanding the peace found in passion

Song for today - #41 DMB
Listen Here;

Lyrics for #41
Come and see,
I swear by now I'm playing time against my troubles
I'm coming slow but speeding
Do you wish a dance while I'm in the front
The play on time is won
Oh, but the difficulty's coming here

I will go in this way
And find my own way out
I wont tell you what to be
But I'm coming to much more
Of Me

All at once the ghosts come back reeling in you now
What if they came down crushing
In the way I used to play for
All the love and loneliness
That nobody notices now

Oh, begging slow I'm coming here

I'll be waiting
I wanted to stay, I wanted to play, I wanted to love you
I'm only this far and only tomorrow leads the way
I'm coming waltzing back and moving into your head

I wouldn't pass this by
Oh, no I wouldn't take any more than
What sort of man goes by
I will bring water
Why won't you ever be glad, it melts into wonder
I came in praying for you
Why wont you run into the rain and play
Let it just splash all over you

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