Sep 21, 2013

Brave Enough

What amazing things have come to be because you were brave enough to ask a question?

I saw this question circulating online yesterday, at first I pushed the thought aside and went about feeding through my never ending pile of emails. 
However, my mind kept coming back to it. What amazing things have come to be because you were brave enough to ask a question?   So I opened my heart to it. Who would I have asked such an important question to? What would be the base of this question that has brought amazing things?

Then I looked around me...

Here I sit in my chair, the table in front of me is full of Birth Mother Baskets material and information. I am attending the FAC 2013 Conference in Orlando. Birth Mother Baskets (bmb) is the non-profit organization that I founded in 2001. This 'project' started as a simple service project for me to do during Christmas time. I wanted this service project to be centered around birth moms and birth moms only. That's when the idea of a gift basket came to mind. A basket full of pampering items that are just for her. My first goal was to fill 20 baskets and then donate them to local hospitals and agencies around Utah. That first Christmas I filled 60 baskets! The response I got was overwhelming and I continued to receive donations for baskets all year long. 

My question...

If I don't do this who will? And... why not me?

You see, those extra donations I received after my Christmas service project sat in my house. I had already filled and delivered 60 baskets. I could stop their and honestly say it was a success. But I didn't stop there.

I still saw a need to reach out to birth moms, post placement. I knew there were birth moms delivering little miracles every single day, not just at Christmas time, and those birth moms were making the most courageous decision to place those miracles for adoption. I knew this was all happening. I knew there was a need.

If I don't deliver these baskets and reach out to birth moms... 
who will? 
Why not me?

I fought back my own insecurities and fears and braved through my cant's and no's. I picked up the phone and asked for donations, to help support birth moms and adoption. This alone was a brave question, considering that 12 years ago, the birth moms that actually spoke up about their experience were few and far between. 
I quickly realized, in order to get the support I needed to run Birth Mother Baskets, I would have to public speak. Public speaking alone is frightening... public speaking about placing your baby for adoption takes frightening to a whole new level. Terrifying.

Why not me?
In order to do this, I had to beat the mirror. Let me explain this. Unfortunately, when 80% of us look in the mirror we quickly begin to pick ourselves a part. "Ugh, my hair today. I need to work out. I need a better outfit. My makeup looks horrible." I hate this... I want to change this... negative. negative. negative. 
The average person has 12,000-50,000 thoughts per day. 70-80% of those thoughts are negative.
If I'm going to get up and speak to people about adoption, some of who may or may not agree with my decision, I need to be confident. And I wasn't.
I had to change my negative thoughts and every reason I had in my head that told me I can't. I had to beat the mirror.

So what amazing things have happened... 
  • We(because it's not just little old me that runs Birth Mother Baskets anymore) have been successfully delivering baskets for 12 years now. With our fair share of hiccups and difficulties. I think we officially lost count when we hit 500 baskets! That means, over 500 birth moms did NOT leave the hospital with empty arms. Over 500 birth moms knew that someone had walked this path before her. Over 500 birth moms felt recognized. Over 500 birth moms heard bmb say, we are proud of you.
  • I found an incredible business partner, Jenny Treanor, who is also a birth mom. Who is my go to girl for everything in my life... and I mean everything. 
  • I have spoke at numerous conferences, retreats and religious meetings on adoption. While continuing to fight the battle with my mirror and winning!
  • I found an incredible job with were I am able to help guide hopeful adoptive couples to build a dynamic profile. I am lucky to be passionate about my work and to be involved on both sides of adoption.

All because I took 20 seconds of courage, faced myself in the mirror and said... if I don't do this who will and why not me?

I challenge you to consider this question yourself...
What amazing things have come to be because you were brave enough to ask a question? 

Please, share your thoughts in the comments below or email me 
I'd love to hear your answers.

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