Sep 5, 2013

Thursday's Distraction

Yesterday I listened to the words of composer John Zorn
Said at the age of 60 his life was a vacation not a thorn
Scores music when he hears an angel’s voice
It’s in his DNA he has no choice
But to deliver the message God delivers
Surrounds himself with friends who are doers and givers
Lives in an apartment on the City’s West side
Has several boxes with his clothes inside
Sleeps on a futon in a room of books
Childhood desk and chair while his music cooks
Everything has its place, every note has its sound
He collects them, assembles them, and plays them in town
His heart is at peace because he loves what he does
Living simply, predictably, with a famously eclectic buzz

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        CAIRS Solutions
         317.652.7696 – cell
Song for the Day
Paul Simon – Call Me Al – listen to it here
Read his lyrics here
A man walks down the street
He says why am I soft in the middle now
Why am I soft in the middle
The rest of my life is so hard
I need a photo-opportunity
I want a shot at redemption
Don't want to end up a cartoon
In a cartoon graveyard
Bonedigger Bonedigger
Dogs in the moonlight
Far away my well-lit door
Mr. Beerbelly Beerbelly
Get these mutts away from me
You know I don't find this stuff amusing anymore

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al

A man walks down the street
He says why am I short of attention
Got a short little span of attention
And wo my nights are so long
Where's my wife and family
What if I die here
Who'll be my role-model
Now that my role-model is
Gone Gone
He ducked back down the alley
With some roly-poly little bat-faced girl
All along along
There were incidents and accidents
There were hints and allegations

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al
Call me Al

A man walks down the street
It's a street in a strange world
Maybe it's the Third World

Maybe it's his first time around
He doesn't speak the language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man
He is surrounded by the sound
The sound
Cattle in the marketplace
Scatterlings and orphanages
He looks around, around
He sees angels in the architecture
Spinning in infinity
He says Amen! and Hallelujah!

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al
Call me Al

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