Jul 31, 2013

Unsealed Birth Records

There are so many things I love about this article...

Unsealed birth records give adoptees peek at past 

I couldn't just post a link to it on Facebook.   

First off, way to go Rep. Sara Feigenholtz and the State of Illinois! You are opening doors for so many adoptees who have questions about their family history.

My heart is full as I think of how many reunions of adoptees and birth families this will bring. I can't wait to see what other states will jump on board with this and allow some answers for so many who have been waiting. 

"They were the people that put a Band-Aid on my knee when I scraped it. They're my family," she said. "It's just nice to start to get to know this person (birthmom) who gave so much up for me, who did such a selfless thing for me, giving me birth and bringing me into this world." -Maura Duffy

 "I'd love to meet my birth mom face-to-face. I'd love to give her a hug," Dave Reynolds

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