Jul 12, 2013

Birthmothers are beautiful people.

I have mixed feelings about this article. 

One I am so, so grateful for how far we have come in the adoption industry. Leaps and bounds, really. Leaps and bounds.
However, it also pointed out to me that we still have a long way to go. We still need to educate people on what a birthmother is and end the stereotypes that surround her. We need to educate our expectant parents on what their options are.

I have to admit, this article reconfirmed to me how beautiful open adoption can be, if it is possible for your situation. So many 'unknowns' that can be answered quickly without doubt or questioning.
I am so happy for Toy, to be reconnect with her son, and grateful that we have articles such as this to circle around.
 Adoption is a beautiful thing. Birthmothers are beautiful people.

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