Jul 17, 2013

Open Adoption, Open Heart

I read this book almost a year ago, when Russell approached me through Birth Mother Baskets. 

I absolutely loved this book. I couldn't put it down. I had to see how everything turned out in the end. I finished the entire book in one sitting. Which is really unusual for me.

I thought those of you here at Parentfinder.com would also find it a good read, especially if you are considering open adoption. 

I love how simple Russell explains his story of adopting and the positive light he is shining on adoption today. 

You can read more about Russell Elkins and Open Adoption, Open Heart here.
Or order your book here

1 comment:

  1. It is an excellent read, and since I know both of Russ's adopted children and one of the Bmom's, it is especially touching. If you want to know about open adoption, this is a MUST read.
