Apr 16, 2015

Your adoption video profile - Begin with the end in mind

When it comes to your adoption video profile I’m going to borrow a principle from, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, “Begin with the End in Mind.”  Said another way, “See the bigger picture.”  Parents will record segments, play them back, and get derailed by tiny insignificant details like blemishes on their face.  My friend calls it, “Majoring in Minors”.  Expectant parents are interested in what you have to say regarding your life and how you plan to share it with a child, not a minuscule pimple or the way you crossed your leg.  Here is a news flash – be real, not perfect.  Don’t be so hard on yourself.  Expectant birth moms will connect with you because who you are and what you show resonates with them.

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