Aug 27, 2014

Introducing Maryland Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Ian & Jennifer

Introducing Maryland Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Ian & Jennifer. They are with Adoptions Together agency.  You can view their profile on here



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Aug 26, 2014

Adoption Profile Tip - Photo Opportunities

The upcoming Labor Day weekend is a great time to capture photos for your adoption profile and your adoption journal.  Many people spend time with extended family or use the holiday weekend to get away.  Keep your smart phone/camera with you at all times.  Great photo opportunities present themselves at a moment’s notice! 

When taking photos with your smart phone make sure your “Location Services” are turned off.  That way your photo can't be tracked.  That feature is in the privacy setting on an iPhone. Don’t be afraid to ask a stranger to take your pic in public.  People are gracious when it comes to helping with a photo.

Aug 25, 2014

Adoption Journal update

What did you do this weekend?
I usually spend the first half of my Saturday’s cleaning house before moving to outdoor work.  This past Saturday included putting our dancer’s room back together.  She moved to college on Wednesday and left piles of discard in her wake.  #IUBalletDancer #DanceDad

Aug 22, 2014

Writing Your Adoption Profile - tip

When writing your adoption profile remember that adding an adjective like compassionatecan be made more powerful when you add the back story.  Why are they compassionate?  Does it go back to childhood?  Is it a trait passed on from spending time with grandparents? Don’t leave adjectives open ended.  They are far more telling when illustrated with a description of why… Do yourself or your partner justice by coloring the statement with the whole story! J  That way you are giving the reader insight into who you truly are…which is far more than a word.

Aug 21, 2014

Adoption Profile tip

When selecting photos for the creation of your adoption profile, make sure to select the ones that complement the story you are telling. Just placing random photos doesn’t enrich your text.  Your adoption profile tells an endearing story of depth.  The photos you select should illustrate THAT story.

Aug 20, 2014

Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Christopher & Jay

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Christopher & Jay. They are with Hands Across The Water agency.  You can view their profile on here



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Aug 19, 2014

Your Adoption Profile - tips

As you begin to write about your home sit in the quiet and think about your childhood.   As a child, what made your house a home?  Did your childhood home influence where you live today?  City, Suburbs, Country?  Did you locate there for a job?  As we looked for more space I mentioned loving the neighborhood where I grew up.  We wanted a big yard for kids to play, a basement to feel safe from bad storms.  We wanted a great school district.  We ended up with all of that. 

When I’m driving up to my home I see the yard and feel love.  I open the front door and feel the warmth of belonging.  The pictures on the wall tell a story of who we are as a couple and family.  Our little girls played dress up and restaurant in the family room.  We built tents with blankets using the couch as our support.  Friday evenings after dinner we turn the dining room table into an art center.  We mold bowls or people with clay, make pictures from construction paper, scissors and glue. We paint and play board games.  How about you?

Aug 18, 2014

Your Adoption Journey

Some call it prayer, some meditation, and others visualization.  It helps me and those in my family...we don't use it for things like brownies :-)...just parts of life that matter most.

Aug 15, 2014

Adoption Profile help - Taking time

Each weeknight this week, we spoke with a room full of waiting hopeful adoptive parents.  Helping them a part of what drives me every day. 

Parents work so hard on telling their unique story.   Then it becomes a practice in staying active with it. During the time spent waiting to connect, it’s important to take a little time for yourself.  Sit in the quiet and pray, meditate, or visualize connecting.  Not in a needy way, but in a way that puts it out there to the universe.  You don’t have to be “churchy” to ask the universe for help and guidance.  I made a practice of it years ago and it’s helped me through life’s most difficult times.  It can bring you a sense of calm.

Aug 13, 2014

Florida Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Troy & Margaret

Introducing Florida Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Troy & Margaret. They are with Hausmann & Hickman.  You can view their profile on here



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Aug 12, 2014

Parentfinder's Adoptive Family Networking Bundle

Today we are training the staff of Adoption Associates, Inc. in their Lansing Michigan office.
Tonight we implement Parentfinder's Adoptive Family Networking Bundle for all of their parents.  What the heck is that you ask?  It is adoption profile coaching and creation of a dynamic and unique printed profile, video profile, online Parentfinder profile and eBook.  Those are combined with a individual strategy for raising parents profile on social media and the creation of their own adoption website…all for $590.00 – with no annual fee.

Aug 8, 2014

Help With Your Adoption Journal

Greg & Keely’s Adoption Journal -
As we move into August our garden offers a bounty of cucumbers.  Keely makes three different kinds of pickles, Bread & Butter, Sweet, and Dill.  We preserve them for use throughout the year.  We also give them to friends and family.  Last night she made Dill Pickles from a recipe passed down for my great grandmother.  Our kids are interested in carrying on this tradition.  There is nothing tastier than homemade dill pickles on a grilled burger with home grown tomatoes and onions! 

What have you written in your adoption Journal this week?  Do you have summer long traditions? 

Aug 7, 2014

Indiana's Safe Haven Law

Earlier this week in Indianapolis a 22 year old woman gave birth to a baby boy in the women’s rest room at work.  She was confused and ill prepared to take care of a baby.  She had no idea that Indiana had a safe haven law. This law allows a mother, ill-equipped to take care of a child to take that baby to any police station, fire station, or hospital and turn the baby over with no questions asked.   

She put the baby in the trash and went back to work.  By the grace of god, two coworkers found him and he’s now in recovery at an area hospital.  The mother is facing neglect and attempted murder charges. 

How can we better educate young women on the option they have available when they become pregnant?

Aug 6, 2014

Maryland Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Jon & Sandy

 Introducing Maryland Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Jon & Sandy. They are with Adoptions Together in Calverton, MD.  You can view their profile on here



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Aug 5, 2014

Ideas for Your Adoption Journal

Capturing weekend activities in your adoption Journal helps reinforce and add color to hobbies or activities you listed in your adoption profile.  Over the weekend I worked in our gardens pulling out our green bean bushes and replanting snow peas.  I also harvested onions.  Last year we were able to store and use onions from our garden from August through April.  Red onions enhance our recipes especially roast veggies that were also grown in our garden.

Aug 4, 2014

Help with your Adoption Journal

My wife grew up in a small town in central Ohio.  Walking to and from school was a part of her morning routine.  Walking on the dry leaves of fall is one of her favorite sounds. 
She embraced studying and graduated with honors. 
We were on the same page with education.  We are on the same page with listening to our children tell us about their desires and letting them show us their talent so we can better guide them. 
What are your early educational experiences?  How has that help you craft your approach as you think about adopting?  Write that in an adoption journal entry.

Aug 1, 2014

Help with Your Adoption Journal

Last night my wife and I were able to steal away and canoe in the evening after dinner.  That time on the water helps us reconnect with the outdoors and each other.  Having bought the canoe when we dated it has been on journeys throughout our life together.  Last night as we rounded the corner we were surprised to find a small flock of Sandhill crane.  We also see plenty of turtles, wood duck, water lily, bull frogs and other wildlife we share with our girls. That appreciation for our waterways and nature leads us to recycle, compost, eat healthy and stay fit for future adventures. 
Think about your adoption journal.  What activities do you plan to share?