Jul 3, 2014

Your Adoption Journal

Landscaping our yard is something my wife and I plan each year.  We were married on earth day.  Each year our anniversary is spent at the nursery buying plants and talking about beautifying part of our yard.  We have a master plan for the whole yard.  We pick a small part and plant for it each spring.  Here is a shot of one of our beds in the back yard.  You can see it in the spring and fall. 
We want our yard to have color spring summer and fall.  So we think about different plants, their blooms, fruit, and fall foliage. 
Our yard also hosts kickball games, hide and seek, trees for climbing, fruit to eat, flowers for bouquets, butterflies, and bees.  When the blooms die the seeds attract songbirds.  Our yard is our sanctuary, playground, and we use it to attract nature.  Think about your Adoption Journal.   Tell us about your yard and family plans.

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