Jul 25, 2014

Your Adoption Journal - help

Two years ago we bought a bee hive and bees from Purdue University.  Two of our neighbors have hives.  Thinking it would be good for our flowers, fruit trees, and garden we were excited to watch them work and grow.  Now we have three hives. Last week Keely harvested about 50 pounds of honey from one of the hives.  She spun it from the honey comb, filtered out the chunks of wax, and we ended up with 20 pints of honey.  We’ll use some and give some to friends and family.  We don't live on a farm.  This all happens in a quiet neighborhood fifteen minutes from downtown.

If that were an Adoption Journal entry it took me 5 minutes to write.  It is 107 words in length.  It goes right along with other entries I’ve made about our flower gardens, veggie garden, and our yard.  It’s a snap shot of Greg & Keely’s life that paints a picture, but didn't take that long to capture. 


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