Nov 15, 2013

Go Outside of the box with your Adoption Profile

I’m sure by now you have seen the video of Davion, the 15 year old boy in foster care. 
He went before a crowded congregation at a large church and asked to be adopted.  He wanted to live in a home with loving parents. 
The church shot the video and posted it online.  The video went viral.  The following week he was invited to appear on Good Morning America and The View.  Within a week his adoption caseworker had fielded over 10,000 inquiries from adults who wanted to know more about him. 
Think about your Adoption Outreach Program.  If you have completed a home study you are most likely creating you profile.  Don't be afraid to think outside of the box.  What is the most unique way you can think of to gain visibility without compromising your personal information?  Look at all of the profiles out there.  Do you want to be like them or do you want to stand apart in a good way?

If you haven't seen the video, click here

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