Aug 16, 2013

Unexpectedly Beautiful!

I was so happy to come across this blog post..  
by Nathaniel H. Goetz (vice-president and co-founder of Noah Z.M. Goetz Foundation)  

We too are HUGE baseball fans at my house, so this post really hit home with me. 

My husband and I have always been very open to our children about me being a birth mom. They have been surrounded by it their entires lives, while I have been speaking and running Birth Mother Baskets and now working for

My children know they have a sister who was born before their dad and I got married. They know after a lot of thought and prayer that I decided to place her for adoption. As you can imagine, with this openness comes a lot of questions about where she is and if they will get to meet her someday. As they have matured, a little, so have their questions and thoughts about her. 
I love that my children are free to talk openly about adoption and about me being a birth mom. Most does they are easy to answer, some days they bring heart ache but this experience with my oldest son was Unexpectedly Beautiful...

My son is 11 years old. He is obsessed with baseball. He can tell you any statistic or characteristic about some of the greatest players of all time. Especially, The Great Bambino. After finding a book at his school library on Babe Ruth he came home to discuss his great discovery with me.

my son: Mom, mom I got this book at the library today.
me: Great.
my son: It's about The Babe, mom.
me: Yep, cool. (This is me shamefully answering him while most likely concentrating  more on the dishes then what he is saying)
my son: Mom! (Obviously noticing that I'm not giving him my full attention) 

I looked up to see his frustration, standing with his hands on his hips. Which by the way, is incredibly adorable. I stop what I'm doing and look him in the eye.

me: Tell me about the book bud.
my son: Babe. Babe Ruth was adopted! Did you know that mom? Adopted.
me: No, I don't think I knew that. That's awesome.
my son: He has a birth mom just like what you are mom. I think he is my favorite player now.

I smiled and agreed with him. Then as if the conversation had ended, he walked over to where I was standing and hugged me...

my son: It's pretty cool mom, what you did. We'll meet her someday.

I squeezed him with all of my might and love. His sensitve sweet soul brings me so much joy and this moment was no different. This unexpected beautiful moment with my son reminded me once again how happy I am that we decided to be upfront with them about adoption. Although each placement starts with something unexpected it can lead all involved to what is beautiful about life... Love

Thank you Nathaniel for your beautiful post.

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