Aug 23, 2013

Standing Out

I honestly teared up reading This Article by: Jay Forte
I finished reading it and took this beautiful, authentic, justified breath of fresh air. 
New air! 
You see, I live in a community, where nearly every one does look the same or in a certain way thinks the same. And I don't want to pull the negative from that. 
However, I don't fit that mold. So, when I finished reading, Live Boldly: How to Find the Courage to “Stand Out” I wanted to throw my hands in the air and scream Amen Sister! I felt this reassurance that, I'm being true to who I am and that's a good thing!

Have you ever sat and thought about this: Why, as society, do we see someone with 'different' hair color or style and automatically think that person is looking for attention? Or that person is a misfit. Or that person is just weird.
Have you ever thought: Shouldn't fitting in or following the crowd be more detrimental to who we really are? What if my perfectly polished shoes, my suit and tie, my designer threads are really what is weird?
Did you ever hear your Mom speak these words:  "If your friends jump off a cliff will you too?"
I have! My mom would say this to teach me that just because the crowd is doing it, doesn't mean it's right.
You know what mom. You were right. (I know, I can't believe I said that out loud) LOL!

        I don't have to fit in with the crowd to be comfortable with who I am. 
                                            And neither do any of you.
"Someone greater than you thought you should be you!"
-Jay Forte

Have you seen this picture circulating around Pinterest?  I love the message it sends. 
Live a life of standing out. 
You weren't born to be like everyone else. 
You were born to be YOU.

Challenge yourself HERE & NOW  
To hold back on the quickness to criticize the person who looks different, thinks different or isn't fitting 'your' mold. 
Stop the judgement and applaud the courage. 
Then allow yourself to do this...
If we could do this... the world would start to become as I believe God intended it to be. Full of color, uniqueness, imperfect, beautiful people who accept, love, embrace and courageously live life as themselves without question.
So, the next time I feel different from the crowd and insecure... I'm going to take that breath of new air and applaud myself for being me. Imperfect, flawed, nerdy ME.

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