Dec 30, 2014

Adding video to your adoption profile

Yesterday I gave a tip for shooting video to enhance your adoption profile.  Here is another tip; after hitting record on your video camera take a deep breath, slowly exhale, wait a couple seconds and begin. This not only gives our editor more to work, but keeps your pace more consistent.  Also – don’t forget to smile.  Rewind, look at the video and if you didn’t smile, shoot it again.

Dec 29, 2014

Adding Video to Your Adoption Profile

Adding video to your adoption profile offers insight that photos and text just can’t provide.  It literally brings you to life.  Here is a tip from our video guru:

Use natural light when possible. Angle the sunlight at 45 degrees from front center so the light is not in your eyes but washes across your face. When shooting indoors, try to light from the front and also attempt to add back lighting to define you. Without any back light, your form can blend into the background. 

Dec 23, 2014

Chad and Gabe of Lansing, MI created a video profile

Creating a video of your adoption profile is a great way to bring your written profile to life.

Chad and Gabe with Adoption Associates in Lansing, Michigan have done just that.
You can view their video profile here

Dec 22, 2014

Adoption Journal Update

On Christmas Eve it’s our tradition to read, The Night Before Christmas.  I make frozen Lemon Pie, a recipe passed down from my great grandmother.  As we wrap the last of the presents, we watch A Christmas Story. 

When our daughter Carly dresses Marnelli Jones in seasonal outfits it reminds me of Ralphie from, A Christmas Story.  I look at the dog and say, “You look ridiculous.  Do you want to take that off? 

Do you have a silly holiday tradition?  Now would be a great time to include it in your Adoption Journal.

Dec 16, 2014

Capturing Holiday Traditions in Your Adoption Journal

The trees, flowers and plants we use in our landscape are designed to provide beauty and attract birds, bees and butterflies.  As the Christmas season approached we thought, “Why not put a Christmas tree on the patio for our wildlife.” So we bought an inexpensive tree.  Then one evening as a family, we sat by the fire and made garland by stringing cranberries and popcorn.  Using cookie forms we made ornaments out of bird seed.  Decorating it with lights, we enjoy it at night through the windows in our family room.  Now we have a fun new holiday tradition that draws our family together and feeds the birds outside our window.

Dec 15, 2014

Monday! - Time for an Adoption Journal Update

It’s Monday which is a great time to update your adoption journal.  What did you do over the weekend?
Sunday as my wife sat in our front room watching the birds on our feeder
I brought her breakfast, and we shared the simple joy of being together in the quiet of the morning.  We shared thoughts and made plans for the day.
Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the greatest impact.
It only takes a few sentences and a photo to update your Adoption Journal, giving the reader deeper insight into who you are as a couple.

Dec 12, 2014

Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Jason and Heidi

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Jason and Heidi. They are with
Adoption Associates in Farmington Hills, MI.  You can view their profile on by clicking here http://


Is your agency looking for a trusted partner to create profiles?  With Parentfinder your parents get; 1 on 1 profile coaching eBook profile, video profile, printed profile, electronic profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and profile coaching for the low price of $590.00

contact me to find out more – greg.phelps at

Dec 11, 2014

Congratulations to Adoptive Parents Jason & Kenny!!

Congratulations to Adoptive Parents Jason & Kenny on the birth of their baby boy! 

Jason and Kenny are Parentfinder parents with Kirsh & Kirsh in Carmel, IN

Dec 9, 2014

Adoptive Parents - visualizing

To renew confidence in your purpose, set aside one hour per day to:
• Visualize clearly. See your goal. Feel it coming true. Set your sights!
• Repeat positive affirmations. Wipe out self-doubt! Be your own cheerleader.
• Take action! Do one thing every day that brings you closer to your goal.

Dec 8, 2014

Creating an Adoption Journal Update

In the past our Christmas season began when we pulled the decorations from the basement until 2009 when Grace danced as Clara in the Nutcracker at Butler University.  She was an 8th grader.  This past weekend we drove to see her perform in the Nutcracker as a college student at Indiana University.  We have a nutcracker under our tree and each song in the ballet has special meaning.  What kicks off your holiday traditions? Log into your adoption profile on Parentfinder and capture it with an adoption journal update this week.


Dec 5, 2014

Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Forrest and Lestina

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Forrest and Lestina. They are with
Adoption Associates in Farmington Hills, MI.  You can view their profile on by clicking here

Is your agency looking for a trusted partner to create profiles?  With Parentfinder your parents get; eBook profile, video profile, printed profile, electronic profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and profile coaching for the low price of $590.00
contact me to find out more – greg.phelps at

Dec 3, 2014

Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Matt and Emily

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Matt and Emily. They are with Adoption Associates in Jenison, MI.  You can view their profile on by clicking here


If you are an agency looking for a trusted partner who creates dynamic profiles.  A diverse group of profiles for one low price - eBook, video profile, printed, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and more contact me –  greg.phelps at

Dec 2, 2014

Adoption Profile Tip - your home

Your home is more than a structure that keeps you warm and dry.  It’s a yard, a neighborhood, a community and a place for adventure as you raise a child.  That’s a lot of story to capture.  It’s far more colorful that characterizing it as a three bedroom ranch in the suburbs.  In our yard we learn about nature.  Once the leaves fell this fall I found three cecropia moth cocoons.  Teaching kids about nature takes me back to childhood.  Understanding the wonder of the world around us adds depth and gives me another way of bonding with our child.  As you describe your home in your adoption profile, think about everything it offers and paint a rich picture.

Dec 1, 2014

Adoption Journal - Time to Post a Thanksgiving update

Our Thanksgiving Holiday includes the annual tradition of heading across the lake to the toboggan run which opens on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. I take the nieces and nephews. We can put 4 people on a toboggan.  This year we used two sleds and tried to race each other.  The track is ¼ mile long and refrigerated, so if the temps are above freezing you can still go.  There is a radar gun near the end of the track that flashes your speed.  This year we made it to 34 miles per hour, flying through the woods with smiles on our face.  Great family fun! 
Make sure to update your Adoption Journal with an activity and photo from the holiday.

Nov 25, 2014

Adoption Journal Update - Thanksgiving week

What we want for a child on Thanksgiving is for them to feel the love we as parents have in our heart.  To experience the bond of family coming together.  To taste the richness of recipes passed down through generations.  To hear stories from our elders of struggle, sacrifice, and triumph.  To understand the comfort and joy of this family tradition regardless of what else may be happening in our lives.

Nov 18, 2014

Adoption Profile Tip

Creating a printed adoption profile requires high resolution photos.  Those photos should be a minimum of 500KB in size.  You can’t take a photo that is 100KB in size and make it bigger.  Think of it this way, digital photos are made up of bits of information.  Making a photo file size larger requires more information about that image…if it wasn’t there at the beginning…it will be even more obvious that it isn’t there when you blow up the photo.  The spaces of missing information are illustrated as blurred color.  The result is a pixelated photo. 

You only have one opportunity to make a great first impression. After spending all of that time writing a great profile; don’t compromise it with bad photos.

Nov 17, 2014

Adoption Journal Update - tip

I enjoy each season for the different activities we experience. Carly catching up on reading by the fire with snow falling outside, what a beautiful family evening.
What makes your house a home? Tell us with an Adoption Journal update.

Nov 14, 2014

Adoption Profile Tip

I work with hundreds of adoptive parents.  Together we refine their adoption profile.  Many see the process of profile outreach as a competition with other parents.  I remind them the competition is only within themselves, to put their best foot forward in story and photos.  It reminds me of this saying: 
I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.” – Mikhail Baryshnikov

Nov 12, 2014

Indiana Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Jason & Kenny

Introducing Indiana Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Jason & Kenny. There are with
Kirsh & Kirsh in Indianapolis, IN.  You can view their profile on by clicking here
If you are an agency looking for trusted adoption professionals who help Adoptive Parents create a 20 page printed profile, eBook, video profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and more contact me – greg.phelps at

Nov 10, 2014

Monday - Time for an Adoption Journal Update

Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.
- Barbara de Angelis
For me this past weekend was spent in the presence of love with my wife and daughter – parent’s weekend at Indiana University. Capture your weekend activity in an Adoption Journal post

Nov 5, 2014

Gratitude - Thank You Adoption Caseworkers

With November being National Adoption Month it is important to look at everything caseworkers do for Adoptive Parents. This quote struck me today
“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.” ~ Saint Basil

Nov 3, 2014

Adoption Journal Update

Carly and Marnelli Jones dressed up as mommy and baby bat to hand out candy on Halloween.  Superman wore a coat over his cape since it was in the mid 30’s here.  That still didn’t cool the enthusiasm for trick or treating or the excitement that followed when we lay all of the candy on the floor, sort through it and talk about the evening.  Monday is a great day to update your Adoption Journal with thoughts from the past weekend.  Don't forget a photo!

Oct 27, 2014

Adoption Journal Update tip

With temperatures in the low 70’s, a slight breeze, beautify sky and colored leafs aloft, this past weekend was out of a Norman Rockwell painting.  Keely and I worked in the yard on both days, raking leaves and transplanting flowers.  We left time in midafternoon for a bike ride on one of the multi-purpose trails near our home.  Each day we passed many families with small children.  Some rode tiny bikes while others were passengers in cool little stroller/trailers. How was your weekend?  Capture it with a couple of sentences and a photo in your Adoption Journal.  

Oct 24, 2014

Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Eric & Michelle

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Eric & Michelle. Their agency is Adoption Associates, Inc in Jenison MI.  You can view their profile on by clicking here




If you are an agency looking for trusted adoption professionals who help Adoptive Parents create a 20 page printed profile, eBook, video profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and more contact me – greg.phelps at

Oct 23, 2014

Your Adoption Journey - Gratitude

My daughter came home from preschool and announced to my wife and I that we each needed to say a Thankful before eating as we sat at the dinner table.  It became our way of praying before dinner.
Several years later I turned off the morning news deciding that I would rather start my day with good vibes.
This morning I came across a different way to Be Thankful and thought I’d pass it along. Feeling gratitude feels good.  The world needs more of that.  Thank you! – Greg

Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference.

It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.

GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.
~ Author Unknown ~


Oct 22, 2014

Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Jason & Amy

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Jason & Amy. Their agency is Adoption Associates, Inc in Jenison MI.  You can view their profile on by clicking here
If you are an agency looking for trusted adoption professionals who help Adoptive Parents create a 20 page printed profile, eBook, video profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and more contact me – greg.phelps at

Oct 21, 2014

The art of breathing - through the adoption process

Life is full of pressure. Why add to it? As adoptive parents move through the adoption process remember to complete everything to the best of your ability, love a lot and hold faith tightly within.  Pressuring everyone to move faster helps no one and adds unnecessary pressure to you and everyone that is there to help.

Oct 20, 2014

Hopeful Adoptive Parents Phil & Beth with Adoption Associates in Lansing Michigan

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Phil & Beth. Their agency is Adoption Associates, Inc. in Lansing MI.  You can view their profile on here

If you are an agency looking for trusted adoption professionals who help Adoptive Parents create a 20 page printed profile, eBook, video profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and more contact me –

Oct 17, 2014

Your Adoption Journal - weekend update

We have a fall weekend planned that includes picking out pumpkins.  I like the tall ones.  Keely likes the fat round ones.  Next weekend we’ll carve faces.  Photos to come!  Whatever you are doing this weekend bring your camera and capture it for your adoption journal. - Greg

Oct 14, 2014

A story of hope from the Pittsburgh Foster Care System

Foster care is supposed to be a place where kids can get help, recover from past trauma, and maybe begin to trust adults again. For these kids, it was the opposite, and it was a nightmare. Until Detective Jack Mook came along.  Check out this short uplifting story from CBS On The Road

click here to watch

Oct 13, 2014

Your Adoption Journal - update

The month of October at our home is when I cut down the peonies and clean out the flower bed just outside our front door.  That’s where the pumpkins will sit, the skeletons will stalk and the bats will hover during Halloween.  After my work was done I went to the store and brought home treats of candy corn and caramel apples for the women in our home.  This coming weekend we'll pick out pumpkins.
What did you do over the weekend?  Now is a great time to update your adoption journal with a thought from childhood or current spooking comings and goings.

Oct 10, 2014

Adoption Profile Creation - Optimism

The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People tells us to begin with the end in mind.  To me that is a visualization technique.  It’s also what every Hopeful Adoptive Parent should do as they start creating their adoption profile.  While these profiles speaks of love, warmth, compassion, and unity, they are born from optimism, hope and faith.  I thought this saying by Helen Keller summed it up perfectly.

Oct 9, 2014

Why Dear Birth Mom?

Why begin your Adoption Profile with a Dear Birth Mother letter?  Yours sounds like everyone else’s.  Birth Moms have told us this repeatedly. To me you run the risk of turning off the birth mom before she’s even had an opportunity to read about your qualities.  Your Adoption Profile speaks of love, commitment, and trust that are woven throughout your unique story.  If you have taken the time to paint a warm picture colored with endearing qualities it will resonate with the birth mom that is right for you.  Let the love shine through and leave the cookie cutter statements in the recycle bin.

Oct 7, 2014

Adoption Journal Tip

My love for the outdoors was shaped by the neighborhood where I lived as a child and the time I spent on my grandparent’s farm.  Sharing that love of nature with our children and future children comes naturally.  Sitting outside in our yard we hear the owls call.  We look up the owls in our bird book and talk about them.  We walk to the creek to see if we can find them.  What makes your neighborhood special?  Share it in your adoption journal.

Oct 6, 2014

Adoption Journal - Tip

Staying active in your Adoption Journal gives the reader endearing information about you that you couldn't add to your profile because of space.  Most On Line Adoption Profile Resources show the last time you visited.  So not only are you continuing to tell your story, you are also showing the reader you care by staying active.  The update doesn't always have to contain a short story about what is currently going on in your life.  It may be an anecdote based on the season.

When my wife and I started dating she introduced me to the idea that there is more to life than sports. We began going to plays and ballets.  At first it was so out of my comfort zone I wasn’t sure what to think.  So glad she took me!  Our kids have been raised more in the arts because that was their interest.  Piano lessons, clarinet, and ballet.  They’ve been great teachers.  Saturday I bought tickets to see The Joffrey Ballet perform Swan Lake.  Looking forward to this family date! – Do you have a family member who introduced you to something new that became a part of your life? – capture that brief story in an Adoption Journal Update.

Oct 3, 2014

Adoption Journal Update - tip

Autumn is here.  The leaves are changing colors. Soon we will be raking and playing in leaves. Our front yard is colored by maple, oak, dogwood, and redbud trees.  Red, yellow, orange, and brown leaves to pile up, jump in and throw in the air.  Sometimes Keely and I just sit in these chairs, have coffee, and make plans for the day.  Your Adoption Journal is a great place to capture the joy of your yard and home in ways you couldn't in your Adoption Profile

Oct 2, 2014

Your Adoption Journey

Facing adversity is part of the journey, remembering not to let that struggle impact our relationships is so important.  Calling back to that wisdom each day to feel love rather than angst is a gift.

Oct 1, 2014

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, John & Dominique

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, John & Dominique. Their agency is Adoption Associates, Inc. in Farmington Hills MI.  You can view their profile on here



If you are an agency looking for trusted adoption professionals who help Adoptive Parents create a 20 page printed profile, eBook, video profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and more contact me –

Sep 30, 2014

Creating Your Adoption Profile

Every day I help Hopeful Adoptive Parents tell their story.  Together we create a rich adoption profile.  Aside from writing, the process includes selecting 35 photos that illustrate their story.  Then our design team lays out this 20 page profile flowing text around photos.  Days can seem like weeks.  Anticipation can turn the words “Hopeful Adoptive Parents” into “Impatient Waiting Families”.  It’s important to remember that we are working to deliver your unique, dynamic, and memorable profile.  In the end we deliver a keepsake you can be proud to show.  A little patience, a little struggle, a lot of love. 

Sep 29, 2014

Adoption Journal Update - Tip

Our patio has become our outdoor dining room for evening family meals.
A Friday evening gathering place where neighbors and friends share a snack and great conversation and a retreat where Keely and I sneak away and listen to the evening sounds of owls and crickets.
What is one thing that makes your house a home? 

Capture that in your Adoption Journal Update

Sep 25, 2014

Adoption Profile Tip

As you build your adoption profile keep in mind that the subject of each photo is important.  Select photos based on the “chapter” you are writing.  If your chapter is about Greg from Keely, then your photos should be of Greg not family photos or photos of Keely.  Your photos should flow with your story rather than jumping around.
We help Hopeful Adoptive Parents with their profiles every day.  Maybe we can help you.

Sep 24, 2014

Adoption Journal Update - Pets are a part of our family

In the past I have posted in our Adoption Journal that I watch my daughter’s puppy, Marnelli Jones, 5 days each week. Part of our daily routine includes an evening skate for Marnie. So she can get her exercise. Getting so excited when I pick up my skates she can’t wait to get out side to run.  Do You have pets?  How are they a part of your family?

Sep 23, 2014


This morning I was exercising under the early morning sky full of stars followed by a beautiful sunrise. I'm filled with hope for the coming day each time I see such a beautiful sight!

Sep 22, 2014

Adoption Journal Update

Yesterday Keely and I planted 200 tulips and other spring bulbs.  Over the years we’ve turned our back yard and side yard into gardens.  The front yard sees adventure like hide n’ seek, tag, kickball, tree climbing, sledding in the winter and fun in the sprinkler each summer.
What did you do over the weekend?  Don't forget to update your adoption profile.  It only takes a couple of sentences and photo to illustrate.  Have a great week!

Sep 18, 2014

Reaching Out To Birth Mom's online

I'm speaking today in Orlando at The Florida Adoption Council annual conference.  Today my topic will be' Reaching Out to Birth Mom's online.  My focus will be on sharing insights we have gained though partnerships with agencies and online partners combined with our own observations gained from