May 26, 2015

Adoption Journal Update

Adoption Journal update: For me, the month of May and the Indy 500 is a little like December and Christmas for kids. The stories, ghosts, anticipation, and traditions build excitement for THE day. I fry chicken, cut up watermelon, bag up grapes, and peanuts.  Then I then load the food and drinks in insulated back packs that we take to the race. Using frozen bottle of water rather than ice saves space and gives us more cold drinks for the walk back to the car. 
We watch the 500 festival parade while I cook the chicken.  We don’t fry food very often, but chicken at the race is a tradition we’ve kept for 28 years.

We identify food with traditions. What is your favorite meal to prepare?  Why?  Capture that in an adoption journal update. 

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