Feb 26, 2015

Parentfinder's FlipBook profile viewer - Dynamic profiles made easy

Featured parents in parentfinder all receive this flipbook profile.

We create this for each parent along with their print file and e Book

It allows viewers to see each profile in a magazine formation, without the need for an eBook reader

Check out Michael and Kristi's flipbook here.  Great photos, nice story, nice couple - fantastic profile


Feb 25, 2015

www.parentfinder.com Featured Parent, Denae

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parent, Denae.
She is adopting with Adoptions Together in Calverton, Maryland. You can view her profile on parentfinder.com by clicking here www.parentfinder.com/denae

Is your agency looking for a trusted partner to help your parents create great profiles?  With Parentfinder your parents get; 1 on 1 profile coaching, eBook profile, video profile, printed profile, electronic profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and profile coaching. Contact me to find out more – greg.phelps at cairsolutions.com

Feb 24, 2015

Parentfinder is integrated with YouTube

The first stage of Parentfinder’s YouTube integration is complete!

Parents/agencies can now add videos to their profile from YouTube.  
Simply go to the video in YouTube, copy address shown in your browser and
 paste it in the video upload feature of their Dashboard page.

Feb 23, 2015

Adoption Journal Update

My daughters wanted to ice skate. With temperatures below freezing for more than a week I went over to our neighborhood pond to check the ice for safety.  Drilling several holes I found the ice to be 4” thick which is safe.    We’d just had 6 inches of snow.  So I sectioned the pond like a pie.  Scoop by scoop I shoveled the whole pond in 4 hours.  We’ll skate in the evenings until the weather gets warm.  Something we’ve done since they’ve been old enough to walk.  What did you do over the weekend?  Record it as an adoption Journal update.

Feb 18, 2015

Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Sophie and Guillaume

Introducing Michigan Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Sophie and Guillaume.
They are adopting with Adoption Associates in Jenison, Michigan. You can view their profile on parentfinder.com by clicking here www.parentfinder.com/GuillaumeandSophie

Is your agency looking for a trusted partner to help your parents create great profiles?  With Parentfinder your parents get; 1 on 1 profile coaching, eBook profile, video profile, printed profile, electronic profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and profile coaching. Contact me to find out more – greg.phelps at cairsolutions.com

Feb 16, 2015

Adoption Journal Update - Your weekend update

Mary from Heart of Adoptions teases me because Keely and I preserve veggies, raise honey bees, and make cider and jam.  She says we’re “crunchy”.  Our daughter, Carly says the same thing.   So in keeping with that theme on Saturday we decided to put the meat grinder attachment on our Kitchen Aid mixer and make our own Brats – Yum!  We bought casing from a German deli and used pork shoulder, lamb shank, herbs and spices and made 20 brats.  We served some for dinner that night.  Our kids thought they taste better than the ones you buy in the store.  What a great way to spend a cold winter afternoon with my wife.
What did you do over the weekend?  Record it in your adoption journal.

Feb 13, 2015

Adoption Journal Update - Spiritual Satisfaction

 Adoption Journal Update - Friday evenings in our home the kitchen table becomes an art studio. We mold with clay, paint, or create pictures from colored construction paper, past and scissors.  For my birthday Keely enrolled me in metal sculpting classes.  I’m learning how to weld, grind, cut and sculpt out of steel. I come home with such a feel of love and contentment.  I want our child to know that feeling.

How about you? Create a Journal post that talks about activities in your home that foster spiritual satisfaction

Feb 12, 2015

Your Adoption Profile Photos

 Last Thursday my hard drive crashed.  The last time I backed up my family photos was over a year ago. Many of the photos my wife and I used in our adoption profile are now gone. Since I'd sent some of the photos to family and friends I was able to recover some of the photos by going into the sent file of my email.  By right clicking on the attachment I could save the photo to my new hard drive.  I also saved in the cloud.  Be sure to back up your computer!  Losing your profile photos can really slow down your adoption process.

Feb 11, 2015

Introducing Illinois Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Mark and Cora

Introducing Illinois Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Mark and Cora. They are adopting with Kirsh & Kirsh in Indianapolis, Indiana. You can view their profile on parentfinder.com by clicking here www.parentfinder.com/markandcora

Is your agency looking for a trusted partner to help your parents create great profiles?  With Parentfinder your parents get; 1 on 1 profile coaching, eBook profile, video profile, printed profile, electronic profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and profile coaching. Contact me to find out more – greg.phelps at cairsolutions.com

Feb 4, 2015

Montana Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Erik and Yuriko

Introducing Montana Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Erik and Yuriko. They are adopting with Catholic Social Service of Montana. You can view their profile on parentfinder.com by clicking here www.parentfinder.com/eabyy


Is your agency looking for a trusted partner to help your parents create great profiles?  With Parentfinder your parents get; 1 on 1 profile coaching, eBook profile, video profile, printed profile, electronic profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and profile coaching. Contact me to find out more – greg.phelps at cairsolutions.com

Feb 3, 2015

Adoption Journal Tip - Capturing Family Meals

We always have apples, bananas, and some other fresh fruit on hand for snacks.  We must go through 12 to 15 apples each week. And two bunches of bananas.  If the banana gets too brown I put it in the freezer.  When we get three frozen bananas I make banana bread.  Keely toasts a slice each morning for breakfast.  Want the recipe?  Just ask! J 
What is your favorite meal to make?  Why?  Create a journal post related to family meals.

Feb 2, 2015

Your Adoption Journal Update

We had snow over the weekend.  Since we live on a hill I shovel our driveway even if we only have an inch.  That way we can drive up the driveway.  That’s OK!  I love being outside in the winter.  Getting little exercise is never a bad thing and I get to see the beauty of snow falling. 
What did you do over the weekend?  Capture it with a few sentences.  Illustrate that with a photo if possible.