Feb 11, 2014

Drive, Determination, Ambition...and a little luck = Success

Last night I was notified that my daughter has been invited to attend the IU School of Ballet, the most prestigious ballet school in the country.   What’s that have to do with your adoption journey you ask?  Hear me out on this;
Since the age of three she’s been in ballet training.  From the age of ten training pre-professionally 25 hours a day during school and 50 hours a week each summer training.  Hundreds auditioned around the country and she was one of a handful picked.  Drive, determination, ambition, and sacrifice.  That’s what you face isn’t it?  You are one of many who are looking to make that one connection that gets you to where you want to be.  She's living a dream she's carried from the age of three.  It happened for her and it can happen for you.

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