Oct 29, 2013

5 Things To Do While You Wait

There is no time limit or guarantee on the waiting time when you're adopting a baby. I have never adopted a child nor do I pretend to understand the emotions that come with the journey. However, I have spoken with hundreds of adoptive parents who felt like after their home study and profile were complete their adoption process came to a halt and the waiting game began. 

 5 things you can do while you wait, that will help educate and inspire you!

Join Adoption Forums:
Parentfinder.com has a Forum section for our Members. You can communicate with other adoptive parents and expectant parents. It's a great way to get support from parents who are experiencing the same emotions as you. It's also a great way to communicate with those who have been there. Your Membership with Parentfinder.com gives you access to our Forums.  There are also other adoption related forums available on the web.

Knowledge is power! The more you can educate yourself on the adoption process the more confident you will be in making decisions like open vs. closed placements. Start by following some adoption blogs or subscribe to some eMagazines. Here in Utah, our local library displays Adoption related books and information for the whole month of November. Visit your local library to see if they do the same. If not, be an advocate to get an Adoption Display present in your library to help everyone become more educated.

Attend Webinars or Local Support Groups:
As a birth mom I know one thing that has really helped me, is hearing other people talk about their adoption story. I wish, there had been more access to these stories before I placed. Many times you can attend free webinars put on by birth mothers or other adoptive parents. We just completed our Throw Out Your Dear Birth Parent Letter Webinar, where I spent 30 minutes giving advice on what I believe you should include in your letter. Most webinars are advertised on Social Media sites or adoption Forums. 
Talk with your Agency to see if they have a weekly support group for adoptive parents. Many times they will have birth mothers visit these support groups to share their experience and give advice. 

Clean House:
I mean this in a literal way and a spiritual way. Make room for a new member of your family by clearing out items you no longer need or use and donate them. Organize your space to eliminate clutter and stress. Prepare your home for positivity and light. Surround yourself with uplifting memories, quotes and photos. Let go of the past and create a new space that will help lift you up. 

Start your own adoption blog or Facebook page. Share what you're learning with others and be an advocate for adoptive parents. This will also drive traffic to your online Parentfinder.com profile and raise your visibility to expectant parents. Volunteer at your Agency, local Adoption Fundraisers or Adoption related non-profits. 

Again, I don't pretend to understand what the waiting game is like.  Try my five tips to help educate yourself.  I promise they will help you feel more prepared for when that day comes and you are matched!

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