Jan 30, 2015

Your Adoption Profile Toolkit

 Twitter is a tool just like Google, Blogger, or Parentfinder.  Think of twitter as the vehicle you use to post photos with your adoption journal entries to Facebook, Pinterest, or your blog.  After joining twitter simply add the app to your smart phone.  Now you can attach a photo and write a couple of sentences about your weekend, an event, a special day or person.  Make it relevant, insightful, and warm.

Jan 29, 2015

Writing Your Adoption Profile: Tip

You are most comfortable when surrounded by friends or family. The way you speak, the stories you tell and the way you tell them are warmer and richer than when you speak with an acquaintance or a stranger.  Use that perspective when writing your adoption profile or recording an update in your adoption Journal.  It helps alleviate the pressure and makes your writing more personable.  For personalized help writing your profile go to www.parentfinder.com and join as a featured member.

Jan 28, 2015

Pennsylvania Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Lori and Sam

Introducing Pennsylvania Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Lori and Sam. They are adopting with All About Love Adoptions in Exton, PA. You can view their profile on parentfinder.com by clicking here www.parentfinder.com/LoriandSam


Is your agency looking for a trusted partner to help your parents create great profiles?  With Parentfinder your parents get; 1 on 1 profile coaching, eBook profile, video profile, printed profile, electronic profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and profile coaching. Contact me to find out more – greg.phelps at cairsolutions.com

Jan 27, 2015

Adoption Journal update - Tip from www.parentfinder.com

We live in a neighborhood that was built in the late 1950’s and early 60’s.  Some of our neighbors have lived here since the neighborhood was first built.  One couple is 89 years old.  It just so happens that the husband was my mom’s OB.  He delivered me!  If they ever need something heavy moved or a flood light needs to be replaced, they call me and I walk down to help and chat.  Helping them feels good and strengthens the bond in our little community. 

Tell us about your neighborhood.  What makes it special?  Make that your journal post this week.

Jan 22, 2015

Your adoption profile - video edition

File this under the heading, "Perception is Reality"
Changing clothes for different shots gives the perception of a broader time line. This way It doesn’t appear that you shot all of your footage in a single afternoon.

Jan 21, 2015

Kansas Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Kevin and Ashley

Introducing Kansas Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Kevin and Ashley. They are with
Catholic Charities Wichita, KS.  You can view their profile on parentfinder.com by clicking here www.parentfinder.com/KevinandAshley


Is your agency looking for a trusted partner to help your parents create great profiles?  With Parentfinder your parents get; 1 on 1 profile coaching, eBook profile, video profile, printed profile, electronic profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and profile coaching. Contact me to find out more – greg.phelps at cairsolutions.com

Jan 20, 2015

Adoption Profile Help - Photo Selection

When it comes to selecting photos for your adoption profile here is a tip based on 15 years of experience in commercial printing.  Use photos that are over 500 KB in size.  Anything over 1 MB is even better.  If you’ve taken photos with your phone, email each photo to yourself and select the largest size available before sending.  If your photo is less than 500 KB it can’t be “made larger,” it’s impossible. Why? 
Think of the photo as bits of information.  When you enlarge a photo you expand the detail.  If the photo was very small to begin with, let’s say it was a photo from Facebook which will be the size of a postage stamp, actual size.  If I want to make that photo into a 3” x 5” it’s going to fall apart.  There is nothing to fill in the detail because it doesn’t exist.  That image then becomes blurry and pixilated. You’ve spent so much time writing great text, don’t do yourself a disservice by illustrating your profile with bad photos.

Jan 19, 2015

Journal up date - tip

It's important to stay active with your profile by updating the journal weekly.  Nothing going on this week?  Talk about the season and activities you'd like to share.  Mention your childhood activities and why those memories are special and why you would like to share them with a child.  Capture something you didn't have space for when you created your adoption profile?
Here's mine:
Well it’s mid-January in the Midwest.  By now we’ve had enough cold weather that the lakes in northern Indiana are covered with ice.  With auger in hand I step out from the shore to drill through the ice.  If it’s four inches thick or more, I venture further out and check again.  After checking I shovel any snow off to create a skating rink.  Our nieces and nephews come over and there is laughter to be had as we turn weekend days into skating fun.  The kids learn to skate shortly after they learn to walk.  They pretend to have Olympic figure skating competitions.  Then everyone heads in for a cup of hot chocolate.

Jan 16, 2015

Writing Your Adoption Profile - Tip

As you write your adoption profile and you completed the sections; About Us, About Parent 1, About Parent 2, and Our Home.  Your thoughts shift to “the rest of the story."  Parents get hung up on what else to include.  Ask yourself this: What do I want to share with a child?  Listen to the answer given by your inner voice.  Write that down and expand on it.

Jan 15, 2015

Adoption Profile Creattion Tip from www.parentfinder.com

As you begin the profile creation process, it’s so tempting to read other profiles to see how they sound, understand how they wrote, and apply that to what you want to create.
Before doing that ask yourself this, “Do I compare myself to others in everyday life?" 
I hope not. Don’t do it here either.  You have a unique story.  Tell it.  Don’t worry about what other people say or do.

Jan 14, 2015

Brent and Irene looking to adopt a child in Indiana

Introducing Indiana Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Brent and Irene. They are with Kirsh & Kirsh in Indianapolis.  You can view their profile on parentfinder.com by clicking here www.parentfinder.com/BrentandIrene

Is your agency looking for a trusted partner to create profiles?  With Parentfinder your parents get; 1 on 1 profile coaching, eBook profile, video profile, printed profile, electronic profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and profile coaching for the low price of $590.00

contact me to find out more – greg.phelps at cairsolutions.com

Jan 12, 2015

Adoption Profile Tip from www.parentfinder.com

Taking your adoption profile one step further by creating a video is a big step in diversifying your message. As you build this video don’t make the mistake of assuming expecting parents have read your profile.  Viewing your video may be the first time they’ve seen you.  Tell your story with a smile as you invite the viewer into your home. Be thorough and friendly.

Jan 9, 2015

Time for an Adoption Journal Update

It's Friday and time to start thinking about your Adoption Journal Update.
Winter weather is upon us here in the Midwest.  As a kid I grew up with a great sledding hill in the neighborhood.  Every day after school my friends and I would meet at the hill and sled until dinner time.  We had great fun.  Our current neighborhood has a wonderful hill too.  Now there is snow on the ground and cool temperatures.  We will be sledding this weekend.   

What about you?
It only takes a few sentences and a photo to let expecting parents know more about you.  Post that in your profile at www.parentfinder.com and in your social media.

Jan 7, 2015

Hoping to adopt a baby in Maryland

Introducing Maryland Hopeful Adoptive Parents, David and Yuka. They are with Adoptions Together in Maryland.  You can view their profile on parentfinder.com by clicking here http://www.parentfinder.com/ddsan1965


Is your agency looking for a trusted partner to create profiles?  With Parentfinder your parents get; 1 on 1 profile coaching, eBook profile, video profile, printed profile, electronic profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and profile coaching for the low price of $590.00

contact me to find out more – greg.phelps at cairsolutions.com