Nov 25, 2014

Adoption Journal Update - Thanksgiving week

What we want for a child on Thanksgiving is for them to feel the love we as parents have in our heart.  To experience the bond of family coming together.  To taste the richness of recipes passed down through generations.  To hear stories from our elders of struggle, sacrifice, and triumph.  To understand the comfort and joy of this family tradition regardless of what else may be happening in our lives.

Nov 18, 2014

Adoption Profile Tip

Creating a printed adoption profile requires high resolution photos.  Those photos should be a minimum of 500KB in size.  You can’t take a photo that is 100KB in size and make it bigger.  Think of it this way, digital photos are made up of bits of information.  Making a photo file size larger requires more information about that image…if it wasn’t there at the beginning…it will be even more obvious that it isn’t there when you blow up the photo.  The spaces of missing information are illustrated as blurred color.  The result is a pixelated photo. 

You only have one opportunity to make a great first impression. After spending all of that time writing a great profile; don’t compromise it with bad photos.

Nov 17, 2014

Adoption Journal Update - tip

I enjoy each season for the different activities we experience. Carly catching up on reading by the fire with snow falling outside, what a beautiful family evening.
What makes your house a home? Tell us with an Adoption Journal update.

Nov 14, 2014

Adoption Profile Tip

I work with hundreds of adoptive parents.  Together we refine their adoption profile.  Many see the process of profile outreach as a competition with other parents.  I remind them the competition is only within themselves, to put their best foot forward in story and photos.  It reminds me of this saying: 
I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.” – Mikhail Baryshnikov

Nov 12, 2014

Indiana Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Jason & Kenny

Introducing Indiana Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Jason & Kenny. There are with
Kirsh & Kirsh in Indianapolis, IN.  You can view their profile on by clicking here
If you are an agency looking for trusted adoption professionals who help Adoptive Parents create a 20 page printed profile, eBook, video profile, personal adoption website, social media presence, adoption journal help and more contact me – greg.phelps at

Nov 10, 2014

Monday - Time for an Adoption Journal Update

Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.
- Barbara de Angelis
For me this past weekend was spent in the presence of love with my wife and daughter – parent’s weekend at Indiana University. Capture your weekend activity in an Adoption Journal post

Nov 5, 2014

Gratitude - Thank You Adoption Caseworkers

With November being National Adoption Month it is important to look at everything caseworkers do for Adoptive Parents. This quote struck me today
“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.” ~ Saint Basil

Nov 3, 2014

Adoption Journal Update

Carly and Marnelli Jones dressed up as mommy and baby bat to hand out candy on Halloween.  Superman wore a coat over his cape since it was in the mid 30’s here.  That still didn’t cool the enthusiasm for trick or treating or the excitement that followed when we lay all of the candy on the floor, sort through it and talk about the evening.  Monday is a great day to update your Adoption Journal with thoughts from the past weekend.  Don't forget a photo!