Sep 30, 2014

Creating Your Adoption Profile

Every day I help Hopeful Adoptive Parents tell their story.  Together we create a rich adoption profile.  Aside from writing, the process includes selecting 35 photos that illustrate their story.  Then our design team lays out this 20 page profile flowing text around photos.  Days can seem like weeks.  Anticipation can turn the words “Hopeful Adoptive Parents” into “Impatient Waiting Families”.  It’s important to remember that we are working to deliver your unique, dynamic, and memorable profile.  In the end we deliver a keepsake you can be proud to show.  A little patience, a little struggle, a lot of love. 

Sep 29, 2014

Adoption Journal Update - Tip

Our patio has become our outdoor dining room for evening family meals.
A Friday evening gathering place where neighbors and friends share a snack and great conversation and a retreat where Keely and I sneak away and listen to the evening sounds of owls and crickets.
What is one thing that makes your house a home? 

Capture that in your Adoption Journal Update

Sep 25, 2014

Adoption Profile Tip

As you build your adoption profile keep in mind that the subject of each photo is important.  Select photos based on the “chapter” you are writing.  If your chapter is about Greg from Keely, then your photos should be of Greg not family photos or photos of Keely.  Your photos should flow with your story rather than jumping around.
We help Hopeful Adoptive Parents with their profiles every day.  Maybe we can help you.

Sep 24, 2014

Adoption Journal Update - Pets are a part of our family

In the past I have posted in our Adoption Journal that I watch my daughter’s puppy, Marnelli Jones, 5 days each week. Part of our daily routine includes an evening skate for Marnie. So she can get her exercise. Getting so excited when I pick up my skates she can’t wait to get out side to run.  Do You have pets?  How are they a part of your family?

Sep 23, 2014


This morning I was exercising under the early morning sky full of stars followed by a beautiful sunrise. I'm filled with hope for the coming day each time I see such a beautiful sight!

Sep 22, 2014

Adoption Journal Update

Yesterday Keely and I planted 200 tulips and other spring bulbs.  Over the years we’ve turned our back yard and side yard into gardens.  The front yard sees adventure like hide n’ seek, tag, kickball, tree climbing, sledding in the winter and fun in the sprinkler each summer.
What did you do over the weekend?  Don't forget to update your adoption profile.  It only takes a couple of sentences and photo to illustrate.  Have a great week!

Sep 18, 2014

Reaching Out To Birth Mom's online

I'm speaking today in Orlando at The Florida Adoption Council annual conference.  Today my topic will be' Reaching Out to Birth Mom's online.  My focus will be on sharing insights we have gained though partnerships with agencies and online partners combined with our own observations gained from

Sep 16, 2014

Loving Unconditionally Doesn't Mean Loving Equally

I had the pleasure of going on a father daughter date this past Friday night.  Over dinner she turns the topic to her younger sister and how my wife and I spoil her.  The next day she heads out of town leaving me to watch Marnelli Jones, her puppy all day Sunday and Monday.  Just as I do every Monday through Saturday while she’s at work.  Funny how perception can be reality without adding the depth of thought.  It’s not about giving equally. Every child has different needs.  As parents we love unconditionally and when the need arises, give more to that child in need. 

Sep 15, 2014

My Adoption Journal Update

My weekend was full of yard work moving 6 yards of mulch around the beds we created near our patio.  I love working outside spring, summer, fall and winter.  There is a connection I feel with the universe not to mention the songs of Robbins, Finches, and Blue Jays and Warblers that serenade throughout the day. There are three different kinds of hawks and the occasional bald eagle soaring overhead.  Tiny humming birds on our flowers chatter as they fly past and the smile of my wife when she brings me a cool drink of water. 

What did you do over the weekend?

Sep 12, 2014

Your Adoption Profile - Knowing what to say

Yesterday evening I took a call from an adoptive parent.  Her agency had instructed her to begin working on her adoption profile.  Those were the only instructions.  We spoke for an hour and a half about how to write.  She had so much passion for being a parent, just didn't know how or what to say.  I love what I do!

Sep 11, 2014

Love today like it's the only day

“You may say I’m a dreamer… But I’m not the only one”
I can't say that I have John Lennon on my regular play list, but I love the words expressed in "Imagine"

Peace & Love - Greg

Sep 10, 2014

Introducing California Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Brian & Carrie.

Introducing California Hopeful Adoptive Parents, Brian & Carrie. They are adopting independently.  You can view their profile on here



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Sep 9, 2014

The right message at the right time

Kurt Vonnegut made me laugh and think.  Coming across his quote of his this morning was the right message at the right time.  Funny how it usually works that way.

Sep 8, 2014

Adoption Journal update - weekend addition

Dinner on the patio in our back yard has been 22 years in the making.  We couldn’t afford to build one when we moved in.  Then ballet expenses took over and kept us in check for the next 16 years.  Now with a lot of sweat and some creativity we dine in our new outdoor space complete with a fire pit to roast s’mores for dessert.  We kept pictures on the family bulletin board for visualization and did a lot of the work ourselves.  That makes this weekend meal all the more enjoyable.
What did you do over the weekend?

Sep 4, 2014

Adoption Profile Creation Tip- Add depth to the adjectives you choose.

Why settle with the sentence, “He’s giving” or “She’s Creative”. Fill in the back story that brings those words to life.  Adding color is the endearing part of your story. That is the part that resonates with those who love you.  It’s also the part that will resonate with a birth mom.

Sep 3, 2014

Writing Your Adoption Profile - Tip

Your friends, family, and partner know you to be a warm caring person.  It’s important to let that warmth come through as you write your adoption profile. 

Close your eyes.  Imagine that you are speaking with an old dear friend from school.  It’s been years since you’ve last seen them.  Today you are writing to catch them up on your life.  When you are relaxed and feel love in your heart, it comes through as you write.

Sep 2, 2014

Your Adoption Journal - Update Tip

All it takes is a picture and several sentences to keep your Adoption Profile fresh with an adoption journal update.
Labor Day weekend was a great weekend! With the kids in college Keely and I went to Chicago. Thanks to my wife’s frugal ways and we stayed at The Wit in Downtown Chicago on State and Lake for $70.00/night. We toured gardens to get ideas on what to add to our flower beds.
See, it was that easy!