Apr 30, 2014

Adoptive Parents, Forest & Geniece with Catholic Charities Wichita

Introducing Featured Adoptive Parents, Forest & Geniece. They are with Catholic Charities Wichita.  You can view their profile on parentfinder.com


http:// www.parentfinder.com/Fwbgmbfamily

Would you like to become a Featured Member to raise your visibility? Click below for more information. http://www.parentfinder.com/page/membership_matrix

Apr 22, 2014

Adoptive Parents Daniel & Dana with Heart of Adoptions in Tampa FL

Introducing Featured Adoptive Parents, Daniel & Dana. They are with Heart of Adoptions, Inc. in Tampa Fl.  You can view their profile on parentfinder.com


Would you like to become a Featured Member to raise your visibility? Click below for more information. http://www.parentfinder.com/page/membership_matrix

Apr 16, 2014

Heartbleed Bug & CAIRS products


You may have already heard about the Heartbleed Bug, the recent vulnerability uncovered in a component named OpenSSL has affected an enormous number of vendors and companies that rely on this near-ubiquitous open source security protocol. In basic terms, the vulnerability exposes any data exchange that uses specific versions of the protocol to an attack.  Versions 1.0.1 through version 1.0.1f are affected.

Some of the CAIRS products use OpenSSL BUT ARE NOT IMPACTED.  CAIRS utilizes a version of the software (version 0.9.8e) which is specifically designated as NOT vulnerable.

The following is a list of CAIRS products which utilize the software but are NOT IMPACTED by this vulnerability:

·         MyAdoptionPortal

·         ChildConnect

·         AIRS

·         FAC Ecommerce Site

·         Birth Mother Baskets Ecommerce Site

As with any wide reaching story and in an effort of being a good partner, we understand that our customers may have concerns. We're here to answer your questions if you should have any.


-The CAIRS Team

For more information on the Heartbleed Bug vulnerability visit:

Apr 15, 2014

Couple looking to Adopt in Illinois

Introducing Featured Adoptive Parents, Sylwia & Remek with parentfinder.com They are with Catholic Charities of Chicago.  You can view their profile here:


Would you like to become a Featured Member to raise your visibility? Click below for more information. http://www.parentfinder.com/page/membership_matrix

Apr 2, 2014

Creating Healthy Post Adoption Relationships


Healthy post adoption relationships are so important.  Many of our agency clients have reported that using Childconnect has dramatically improved post adoption relationships between their bith parents and adoptive parents.  To read our press release click here

Apr 1, 2014

Pennsylvania Hopeful Adoptive Couple Mike & Amanda with Catholic Charities of Pittsburgh

 Introducing Featured Adoptive Parents, Michael and Amanda with parentfinder.com They are with Catholic Charities of Pittsburgh.  You can view their profile here:


Would you like to become a Featured Member to raise your visibility? Click below for more information. http://www.parentfinder.com/page/membership_matrix