Mar 31, 2014

Your adoption profile - don't feel judged

It's easy to get caught up in thoughts of feeling self conscious as you complete and update your adoption profile.  After all your agency is showing your adoption profile to expectant parents who may or may not feel a connection.  That has to do with them not  you.  Don't let the "what if's" hold you back as you write your adoption profile - Be you! because there is only one you and you are special and loved.

Mar 25, 2014

Minnesota Hopeful Adoptive Parents Adam & Casey

 Introducing Featured Adoptive Parents, Adam and Casey with They are with Catholic Charities of Winona MN.  You can view their profile here:
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Mar 21, 2014

Spring into an Adoption Journal Entry

Now that we have officially entered spring...think about your family's annual spring any of them stem from your childhood experiences? That brief story would make a great adoption journal post.

Mar 20, 2014

Caring, Compassion, Presentation, Thoughts?

This video is a 3 minute and 33 second message about caring and compassion.  Think about how it was presented.  Think about how it was conveyed.  Think about your adoption profile, the message and the presentation.  Is there anything you’d change?  Click on the photo to watch the video.

Mar 18, 2014

Introducing California Adoptive Parents, Nick and Laurel from Orange County, CA

Introducing Featured Adoptive Parents, Nick and Laurel with They are adopting independently from Orange County, CA.  You can view their profile here:


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Mar 13, 2014

Adoption Profile - How Did You Challenge Yourself to Tell a Rich & Unexpected Story?

A friend sent me this video.  I watched it not knowing what to expect because he sees things from such a quirky perspective.  I saw vulnerability, surprise, awkwardness and in the end a little sweetness.  Then thought  about the film maker…what a cool concept…such a short video yet it made me think and ultimately feel good.

Now think about your profile.  What can you do that captures someone’s gaze and makes them think…yeah, I like this!


Mar 11, 2014

Featured Adoptive Parents, Lori & Sam. Their agency is All About Love Adoptions in Exton, PA.

Introducing Featured Adoptive Parents, Lori & Sam. Their agency is All About Love Adoptions in Exton, PA.  You can view their profile here:

Would you like to become a Featured Member to raise your visibility? Click below for more information.

Mar 7, 2014

Thank you
In this deceptively simple 3-minute talk, Dr. Laura Trice muses on the power of the magic words "thank you" — to deepen a friendship, to repair a bond, to make sure another person knows what they mean to you.
Sometimes it seems like the adoption process is taking forever.  You chose your Adoption Agency because it felt right.  Sometimes when it feels like a struggle, look your caseworker in the eye and say Thank You.  It will make a difference in their day and yours as well.
Click here to watch this short video