Dec 23, 2013

Starting the work week with a smile

George Carlin came into my life when I was in the second grade. 
He influenced the way I looked at the English language
and later my writing and career.
When he is being silly or creative with his ideas
He makes me laugh out loud

Dec 16, 2013 - Thoughtfulness

Kind, caring, considerate behaviors stem from thoughtfulness; being thoughtful grows out of conscious awareness and compassion. To be thoughtful doesn’t mean twisting and bending out of alignment to meet others’ needs. When we are centered and balanced we are naturally thoughtful to ourselves as well as others.

Having read the thoughts above, shift your focus.  Think about your Dear Expectant Mom letter.  Is there anything you would take away or add? 

Dec 12, 2013

Watch a Teenager Bring His Class to Tears Just By Saying a Few Words

I was raised in the 60’s and 70’s and labeled as lazy and an underachiever by teachers because of my spelling and math grades.  I’m Dyslexic.  My self-esteem suffered for years.   Over time I have learned not to define myself by my limitations. 

Here is an amazing story about a boy who had an even higher mountain to climb. 

Dec 9, 2013

Who cares what it smells like? It's what it sounds like that matters.

The human spirit, the minds behind innovation at the simplest level, and the innocence of children all make me cry.  It’s easy to admit that as a 52 year old.  20 years ago I would never have uttered those words. 
Each day I look for little nuggets to inspire, educate, or make you laugh.  Today I watched this and cried at the beauty. 


Dec 5, 2013

Adoption Profile journaling tips from

Would you like to join Parentfinder?  Featured members gain access to all of the tools needed to build a printed adoption profile, online profile, pdf profile and ebook profile with coaching included. Click on the link below to join.